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$1.69 a Month!
$1.69 (per month, $20/ yr)
Buy High Traffic, Permanent Ad Space on SnoopBid™*

Step 1: Choose Plan & Options > Step 2: Enter Your Billing Information > Step 3: Make Payment > Step 4: Edit & Post New Paid Ad

Your Permanent Ad* will be live in just a few minutes ...

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Note: Select as many cities as you like.
*Each page is Limited to 5 Ads.
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Total Purchase: $0.00

* Indicates "Permanent Advertisements" remain registered for use on Snoopbid and open to public viewing for up to 5 years unless you, the poster, has opted otherwise.

Qualified plans include free setup and listings. Special offers are limited-time promotional prices available to certain customers and valid for the initial term only unless specfied otherwise. All products and services can automatically be renewed for the same term length, using the payment method provided in this initial purchase, if you request this option. Renewal pricing will be available through your control panel.

By submitting this order, you confirm that you agree to SnoopBid's Terms of Use, Cancellation Policy, and Privacy Statement.



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